The Great Gnomeregan Run

Are you a gnome? Do you know a gnome? Would you like to BE a gnome? (And who wouldn’t?) Then rise UP to the challenge of The Great Gnomeregan Run on Saturday, October 8 from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay.

Where:The fun begins outside the gnome starting area and ends in Booty Bay
Who: Alliance-Only (Don’t worry, all players can create a level 1 gnome and join in the fun too.)

The Great Gnomeregan Run - Quest - World of Warcraft

Whether you’re a level 1 gnome (highly encouraged), a level 48 Dark Iron dwarf, or a level 60 worgen, you’ll be able to join in this fun run beginning in the gnome starting area, winding through Dun Morogh, Ironforge, the Deeprun Tram, Stormwind, Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, and Stranglethorn Vale where the run culminates in Booty Bay.

Participants can begin their race by picking up the quest, “The Great Gnomeregan Run” from Mina Gleespanner in New Tinkertown which is located just outside of the gnome starting area. The event last all day so you can choose when it’s most convenient to set your best personal record.

It’s a big big BIG world out there, but don’t worry about getting lost, there will be course markers and spectators along the way to help keep you on track. You’ll even see a few familiar faces among the onlookers including some new mechagnome friends!

Stranglethorn Vale is a dangerous place for low-level characters so you may want to find some muscle to join you along the way for a little extra protection. If you’re a higher-level character, think about playing chaperone for a gnome.

Concerned about getting ambushed by enemy Horde? Fear not, level 1 gnomes (and any player under level 20) can’t be attacked by enemy players. Higher-level Alliance escorts who also don’t want to engage in world PvP can turn Warmode off in Stormwind.

Once you make it to the race’s end in Booty Bay, make sure to turn in your quest to Prince Erazmin to complete the run. Running through a gate causes a burst of fireworks.

Le Grand Prix de Gnomeregan : le guide complet - World of Warcraft -

Whether short or tall, it will be a good time for all.


The Great Gnomeregan Run is based on the “Running of the Gnomes”, an annual fan-run charity event in October in which participants create level 1 gnome characters and run along the same route from New Tinkertown to Booty Bay. Blizzard reached out to the event’s organizer Dravvie for permission to base the holiday off of her charity run. One of the possible appearances of the event’s supporter NPCs is based on the goggle-wearing mascot for the Running of the Gnomes.

As of 2021, the Running of the Gnomes has been done twelve times.

2021 The Great Gnomeregan Run from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay - YouTube

TODAY!– October 8th @ 7pm est Scarlet Crusade-US 💗join the 13th Annual Running of the Gnomes and raise money for TWO charities! The Tuohy Vaccine and The Pink Fund!


  • From 2017 to 2019, Gelbin Mekkatorque was the quest ender for  The Great Gnomeregan Run. In 2020, he was replaced by Prince Erazmin, and mechagnomes were added among the Supporters.